Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Rock Star and her Star of a Dad

I can't help but get choked up thinking about the events of the past two days. Alli signed up to sing Bubbly at the 4-H contest day today. Yesterday we had our local 4-H meeting and everyone in our group had a chance to perform their talent or show their presentation. Makayla and I had to leave in the middle for Mak's piano lesson. We were gone an hour and when we got back Alli had already done her song. Well..... she didn't really do it she started and then didn't want to finish and felt really bad and started crying. When I got back we went outside and she told me about it and started crying again. I told her that she didn't have to sing today and not to worry about it we would try again another time. So on the way home we decided that she would just forget about the contest. But when we got home Lar had another idea. He had Alli bring her music and karaoke machine outside on the deck and she sang to him over and over while he worked down below on the dirt and area for the pool. He would stop and give her advice and taught her how to keep time with the music and stay on tempo. They worked on that for along while - her singing - him working. Then again this morning her singing to him and practising while he was digging and moving dirt. When we got to the contest he sat in the front row and when it was Alli's time to sing he kept time with her on his leg and sang the words with her. Makayla and I were a couple rows back filming and taking
pictures. She started once and then had to start again. The second time she closed her eyes and kept beat on her leg and sang the whole thing beautifully. After she got going she opened her eyes and looked around some and smiled some but kept her focus. She placed in the top three and is going to perform at the Southwest District competition on June 9th. She was so excited and just couldn't believe it. Lar had to leave early but Alli called him first thing to let him know "she won." Its a good thing we don't marry someone exactly like us - he knows music - I don't. He knows when to work harder - I didn't. I have a thankful heart for Alli's success and an over flowing heart that Lar is a GREAT Dad to our children and really invests his time and talents and energy into their lives!!! My two favorite ROCK STARS!!

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CarJax said...

Way to go Alli and Larry!! You two are rock stars in my book too. I am so proud of you, Alli! And maybe your Mama will post a video for us of you singing your song. Love U all, Jax

Sit A Spell said...

It's neat to see Dad's working with their daughters. What a special bond. I was in 4-H for 10 yrs! I even did talent a time or two. Do they still call them O'ramas?

Mer said...

I have tears in my eyes! This is a beautiful story. I remember my own recitals -- breaking down and crying -- it is a hard and scary thing to do to get up and perform all by yourself.

I second Jax: Way to go Alli and Larry! You are awesome.