Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tomato Caper

I have a friend that is just green because my tomatoes are ripening and hers well... aren't. Actually the two red ones in the picture I bought at the farmers market and just set them on the vine and took the pictures. My tomatoes are doing so good this year the corn has even gotten in on the act. Oh how I love fresh tomatoes out of the garden - Im not picky. I'll eat the Big Reds or the Corn variety they all taste wonderful.
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Barb said...

What a stinker you are with your trick tomato pictures. Now I even wonder if you really have a garden at all??? Oh yes, I am sure you do and I am looking forward to sampling the goods soon. Love, mom

Makayla said...

you is crazy SUGAR momma!! LeeAnne is probably gonna cut you!