Just got home from running in a 5K race this morning. This was my second race, the last one was about 5 years ago. Since I run several times a week as my workout I thought I had a good chance to place 1st in my age bracket - 45 and older. We had 60 some runners and I came in 2 second over all female and 9th over all runner. I was thrilled with that. Our oldest daughter Makayla got up early with me this morning to keep my company and cheer me on. At the end of the race I was dieing but really wanted to keep the 2nd place female spot. I won a medal and 50.00 - wooo hooo. Im thinking about getting a Spa pedicure with my winnings or flower money. Either way Im glad I ran and thrilled with the out come.
Style Showcase 276
18 hours ago