About 10 years ago I mentioned to my good friend Noelle, that I always take a nap when my kids lay down for their naps. That way Im ready for the second shift. At that time Makayla was 4, Nick 2, Alli 1 and Lar 34. I didn't really think much about it when I spoke those words but it must have made sense to her. Because when she moved several years later she mentioned it in a card she gave me. She also mentioned the time that she called me before 6am to rush to her house for a one on one breast feeding lesson. I brought Alli with me - who was all too happy to show Noelle and her new baby, Sarah, how it was done. Now I feel like Im starting the second shift of motherhood. Our babies are growing up. They aren't young children anymore. Makayla will be 15 soon, Nick is a young MAN at 13 and Alli is 11. I don't know if I feel rested enough for this second shift. I will have to rest in the Lord more and put to practise trusting in HIM. There are still glimpses of the good Ole' days - Alli calls me Mama - my favorite name to be called. Nick still hits the high octaves when he gets excited and gives out hugs and kisses and I love yous!!! Makayla still likes to play with dolls (sometimes) and read fun stories. Makayla is already turning into a great friend. One of the perks of having daughters - Lord willing they will become one of your best friends. She doesn't talk in what if's anymore. For instance what if we could stack a thousand french fries to the ceiling... and it goes on from there. The other two still live in what if land quite abit - but not Makayla. We talk about her day, we make fun plans about her birthday, she has a fun outlook on life. I enjoy her company. I look forward to forming a different relationship with each of our kids all the while holding on to the memory's of the first shift - when we were all young and learning so many new things together each day.